
  1. February 10, 2023

    Service life extension made easy.

    Equip energy chains directly with smart condition monitoring in the igus online configurator and avoid unnecessarily early replacement.

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  2. January 31, 2023

    PMA Cable Protection Robotics

    From the research stage to practical architectural application, this is the first time that a large-scale architecture project has been implemented using ABB robots and PMA cable protection products.

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  3. January 31, 2023

    So very clean: new igus slewing ring bearing for food contact

    Hygienically designed slewing ring bearings have been scarce on the market. Manufacturers of special machines for hygiene-sensitive areas therefore often have to design additional covers. However, igus is now changing all that - with a hygienically designed iglidur PRT slewing ring bearing that enables quick, residue-free cleaning during use. This slewing ring bearing can remain permanently installed in an application with food contact, saving the user the effort of developing a suitable cover.

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  4. January 31, 2023

    Broad partner network supports customers with their Low Cost Automation

    From idea to integration: broad partner network supports customers with their Low Cost Automation

    igus is working with manufacturers and integrators to further expand its service and range for cost-effective automation.

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  5. January 31, 2023

    Clearance-free multi-link hinges

    In practice, it is not easy to cost-effectively produce clearance-free multi-link hinges for spoiler kinematics and soft-top and hinge systems. Frequently only roughly punched holes with a limited amount of fine cuts in the guides combined with cold extrusion rivets require costly bearing recalibration. With its plain bearings made of tribologically optimised plastics, such as the new electrically conductive iglidur F300 material, igus offers a technically better solution that costs less. In the e-coating process, the bearing recalibrates itself and also prevents corrosion.

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  6. December 21, 2022

    igus modular linear axis for travels of any length

    Easy to install and almost infinitely extendable: drylin EGW offers new design freedom on long travels igus is launching the drylin Endless Gear linear module (EGW), a modular, lubrication-free linear guide with rack and pinion drive. The modular system can be extended to any travel length, costs little and is almost as light as the guide for a toy train. Several carriages can travel on it in different directions and at different speeds. Users can also extend the linear guide after installation and add more carriages.

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  7. December 20, 2022

    EUCHNER combines innovative engineering with the latest communication requirements.

    Networked production and control operations call for innovative safety engineering offering communication capabilities and network support.

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  8. December 20, 2022

    The safe key for automated intralogistics processes

    The safe key for automated intralogistics processes

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  9. December 20, 2022

    igus e-chain stays at the highest cleanroom class even after 60 million double strokes

    Cleanroom-compatible energy chains from the e-skin flat series still qualify for the highest cleanroom class even after 1.5 years of continuous use and 60 million double strokes. A test, unprecedented in the industry, led to this result. It was carried out in a cleanroom laboratory set up by motion plastics specialist igus in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA).

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  10. December 06, 2022

    RBTX powered by igus continues to drive Low Cost Automation

    Robots have long been indispensable in the industry. However, small and medium-sized companies in particular are often faced with the question: how can a task be automated cost-effectively with little effort? Since 2019, the RBTX marketplace powered by igus, which brings together robotics providers and users, has been offering simple and inexpensive solutions. RBTX is now also cooperating with Universal Robots, one of the world market leaders for industrial and collaborative lightweight robots.

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