
  1. May 13, 2024

    Play before Pay with igus robotics

    Play before you pay: Virtually configure the ReBeL in the iguversum, the new igus digital tool and control it remotely – just one of many options that will make it even easier for igus robotics users to get started with Low Cost Automation in the future.


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  2. March 24, 2024

    New compact, low-cost energy chain

    igus launches new compact, low-cost energy  

    By downsizing, the draw e-chain saves 30 per cent of costs in applications with a low degree of movement.

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  3. March 24, 2024

    A real "hothead"-new SLS printing material

    iglidur i230: first igus 3D printing material for polymer components that withstands temperatures of up to 110°C 3D-printed polymer components will be able to resist much higher temperatures in future - in the engine.

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  4. March 24, 2024

    chainflex cables without PFAS-PM1224-1

    chainflex cables do not use PTFE and PFAS chemicals, guaranteed with the "PFAS-free" seal

    Like the chemicals of the PFAS family, certain polytetrafluoroethylene compounds - PTFE for short - are considered "forever chemicals" and therefore potentially harmful to the environment, people and animals. The European Union is therefore working on a ban on the substances.

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  5. March 24, 2024

    AXYR® connection

    The more dynamic the industries become, the more the need to simplify electrical connection processes increase to keep up with this continuous evolution. In this scenario, fast and safe handling is significant especially when speaking about demanding applications, while easy-to-use products help to minimize the risk of error at all the phases.

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  6. March 07, 2024

    UL-listed motor cable

    igus launches first UL-listed motor cable for cable tray and e-chain

    chainflex cable CF33.UL ensures safe cable guidance in energy chains and cable rack with a four-year guarantee

    With the new chainflex cable CF33.UL,

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  7. March 05, 2024

    Maintenance - a key component

    Treotham has been integrating Igus products to keep Australia's mines running smoothly for more than three decades. The mining industry is no stranger to massive equipment processing millions of tonnes of rock every day.

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  8. February 01, 2024

    Custom-fit orthoses from the 3D printer

    igus supports medical-technology project at Trier University of Applied Sciences with lubrication-free miniature guide systems

    Produce orthoses that splint injured fingers in hospital in record time using a 3D printer: students at Trier University of Applied Sciences are developing a compact platform that measures fingers.

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  9. February 01, 2024

    New generation of igubal spherical bearings

    Expensive machine and vehicle breakdowns due to undetected faults in heavy-duty fixed flange bearings: these will soon be a thing of the past thanks to a new generation of two- and four-hole fixed flange bearings. Their special feature is that the bearings, which are made of lubrication-free high-performance plastic, are equipped with miniature wireless sensors, enabling condition monitoring and predictive maintenance.

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  10. February 01, 2024

    First UL-listed motor cable

    With the new chainflex cable CF33.UL, igus has developed the world's first motor cable for energy chains and cable trays with UL approval and a four-year functional guarantee in the energy chain.

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