
  1. November 14, 2022

    E-car wallboxes: no more tangled cables

    igus presents design study for automatic and compact cable retraction system

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  2. October 11, 2022

    Blue laser sintering material for 3D printing from igus ensures even greater food safety

    The new iglidur i6-BLUE laser sintering powder is extremely abrasion-resistant, lubrication-free and food-safe according to FDA and EU 10/2011 regulations.
    igus, the motion plastics specialist, is launching a new laser sintering material for 3D printers: the powdered iglidur i6-BLUE is easy to detect thanks to its blue colouring, and also complies with FDA and EU 10/2011 regulations. The new material thus increases the safety of machines and systems in the food and beverage industry. iglidur i6-BLUE is in no way inferior to the proven iglidur i6 in terms of strength and sliding properties, and is particularly suitable for printing worm gears, toothed gears and snap-on connections in 3D.

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  3. September 18, 2022

    igus triboplastics improves technology, reduces weight and eliminates maintenance

    Whether mountain bikes for outdoor use, record-breaking light racing bikes or ultra-robust e-cargo bikes: Treotham presents new igus components made of high-performance plastic as an alternative to metal solutions for the bikes of the future – including light and lubricant-free polymer plain bearings for mountain bikes, wear-resistant gears for e-bike motors and robust rod ends for e-cargo bikes.

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  4. August 15, 2022

    Breakthrough in linear technology: New igus sliding material provides more design freedom

    Whether in an industrial environment or in a coffee machine, in order to maximize the service life of a linear guide and to keep the required drive energy low, it is important to reduce friction and wear as much as possible. igus, a motion plastics specialist, has now achieved a breakthrough in tribological plastics: With iglidur E3, igus has developed a new sliding material that has a friction coefficient that is up to 40 percent better and thus opens up design flexibility in linear technology for users for the first time from the classic 2:1 Rule expanded to 3:1. The new iglidur E3 sliding material is available from Treotham.

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  5. July 18, 2022

    Wear-resistant & lubrication-free: new igus bar stock for food, continuous operation and high media resistance

    Treotham has expanded its wide range of igus iglidur round bars with four materials; among them two for the food sector: the heat-resistant material iglidur AC500 and the resilient material A250. The extremely hard-wearing material iglidur H3 and the particularly wear-resistant endurance material iglidur E complete the product range. This makes it possible to mill and turn lubrication-free and maintenance-free prototypes and special components for a wide variety of applications.

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  6. May 31, 2022

    Evolution of the trapezoidal thread: new igus standard from Treotham achieves 82 percent efficiency

    Even tried and tested structures have potential for improvement. One example is the classic trapezoidal thread, which igus has refined. Thanks to a special geometric interaction between the lead screw nut, which requires no lubrication or maintenance, and the metal lead screw, dryspin technology promises a long service life, improved efficiencies, low wear and less movement noise.

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  7. May 02, 2022

    Freedom for articulated arm robots: igus’ 7th axis from Treotham extends the working space by up to 400 percent

    Articulated arm robots can travel over six metres, quadrupling their working space: the 7th axis is now compatible with all lightweight articulated arm robots worldwide thanks to a simple Plug & Play kit. So far, models from Universal Robots, Epson and the igus robolink series from Treotham have benefited from this increased mobility. Now Omron, Franka Emika, Doosan, Yuanda Robotics and many other lightweight robotics suppliers are joining the list.

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  8. April 28, 2022

    Exoskeleton customised with lubrication-free igus plain bearings from Treotham

    Many stroke patients worldwide suffer from hemiplegia (partial paralysis). Exoskeletons such as Harmony from Harmonic Bionics can help rebuild the nerve tracts in arms and shoulders. In order to quickly adapt the robot supported system to different body sizes in physiotherapy, the developers rely on lightweight, lubrication-free and maintenance-free plain bearing technology from igus.

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  9. April 11, 2022

    Low Cost Automation in XXL: large DIY igus palletiser at a small price

    Treotham is expanding its broad Low Cost Automation range with a new drylin XXL room linear robot. The linear robot has an action radius of 2,000 x 2,000 x 1,500 millimetres and is particularly suitable for palletising applications of up to 10 kilograms. The robot is includes the control system, and is easy to set up and program yourself using the do-it-yourself principle – without the help of a system integrator.

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  10. April 05, 2022

    New igus laser sintering material from Treotham makes 3D printing of chemical-resistant tribo-components possible

    igus is expanding the scope of its 3D printing service: Chemical-resistant, lubrication-free tribo-polymer components can be manufactured using selective laser sintering (SLS). This evolutionary step is made possible by a new printing material for laser sintering printers: iglidur I10 is resistant to acids, bases, alcohols as well as greases and is therefore suitable for use in electroplating and food processing plants. The 3D filaments are also available to purchase directly from Treotham if the customer wishes to print themselves.

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